Due to the high impact of the Web, many are the users who identify the terms Internet and the World Wide Web. In reality, however, there are two different terms, but they affordable seo packages are of direct relevance. More specifically The Internet is a set of networks and computers connected to each other. These computers are located all over the world and use cables, satellite connections and other ways to communicate with each other. Communication between computers is done using various standard protocols The World Wide Web is an Internet service. However, it is the largest, the most popular and the fastest growing part of it.

In particular, the World Wide Web is the means to easily recover the vast amount of information available over the Internet. It is the simplest and easiest way to retrieve the huge amount of seo packages for small business information available today through the Internet. It uses the HTTP protocol. As mentioned above, the amount of information on the web is very large. That is why finding the right information is a rather difficult process Miller. The main means of searching for information and locating desirable websites on the Internet are Search Engines which are the most small business seo packages widely used means of finding information online. For this reason, more emphasis is placed on them in the next chapter, namely their importance, their mode of operation, the categories in which they are divided and many other interesting elements. In summary, the Internet and the World Wide Web are growing rapidly in recent years with an increase in users from to reaching worldwide.

Specifically, in Greece in the first quarter of the internet users made their daily use higher than in, while made regular use at least once a week. In the same year, the main reasons for using the internet were communication, entertainment, creativity, health, and so on. However, the greatest interest of users was the search for information on products and services, which amounts to. The most important means of searching for information and locating desirable websites on the Internet by users are search engines for which more emphasis is given in the next chapter. Search Engines are the most common means of finding information on the Internet. They are an effective seo packages for small business search method for a company or a service and hence attract visitors to a business website Chaffey. These are special programs that allow you to access a database of the Internet, search and retrieve information on the Internet using simple keywords.